Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, My Brother!

My brother writes books. He takes great pictures. He's a great cook, a creative brewer, a spectacular bargain shopper, a good stone-skipper, and an expert on a whole bunch of really obscure things.

And, as of a few hours ago, he's also a blogger.

May I direct your kind attention to:

He'll be spending the weekend live-blogging a Belgian beer fest (not in Belgium. In Fells Point.) (The whole setup sounds a little like some on-air radio stunt to show the pernicious effects of drinking.)

My brother has been a beer writer and brewer for at least a decade. I have never, ever seen him even tipsy, not even when I visited him at college and we spent hours at the Stone Balloon. I find this odd.

Anyway, a drink blog - it's the perfect companion to my accidental food blog.

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