Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I noticed today that I have 999 profile views on my blogger profile.

Somebody go click on that line near my picture over there and enjoy my goofball profile.

I made a totally excellent salad dressing last night. I started with a simple vinegrette from Martha Stewart Everyday Food:

2 tablespoons orange juice
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon minced scallion (I used green onion)
2 teaspoons white wine vinegar (I used rice vinegar, which is less acidic.)
2 Tablespoons olive oil.
salt and pepper.

Well, in part because of this rice vinegar, this was TOOOOOO SWEEEEET.

I added: more salt
a glob of grainy mustard

and a small glob of Thai chili garlic sauce (you know that red stuff with the rooster on the jar?) (Ooops - internet says it's Vietnamese, not Thai. Actually, it's Californian. Anyway, used with a somewhat cautious hand, it's good for what ails your sauces, in nearly every case.

And after that it was too thick, so I put a little more vinegar and a squish of lime juice.

And then it was awesome.

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